Hi there,
Here is the procedure showing you how to restart your testo Saveris LS base station and your testo 150 recorders:
I) Restarting a testo Saveris 3 LS :
Take the testo Saveris 3 LS base in your hand and place it on a table
Disconnect the power cable (white cable) and the Ethernet cable (black cable)
Turn the base over, remove the battery cover ( In red ), and remove the battery by pressing the button ( In blue )
Replace the battery in the base (1), replace the cover (2), turn the base over, reconnect the power cable (3) and reconnect the Ethernet cable (4)
The base station will restart and it will be sufficient to reconnect it as before the handover.
II) Restarting a testo recorder :
Take the recorder in hand and put it on a table
Turn the recorder over and unscrew the rear cover with a screwdriver
Remove and replace the batteries, close the cover and tighten the screw
The recorder should restart, and all you have to do is put it back on like as it was before.
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